Selection of identity projects. Sometimes a whole identity was developed other times only a logo-mark.
Dutch search engine for local honey. Discover local honey near you. Beeolocal helps you connect with local beekeepers who sell their honey directly to you!
Tiny brand. Inspired by nature. Through its products Wolfstak aims to reconnect with nature, so that we may remember its beauty and rethink the role we play in shaping our own world.
Handmade clocks from Utrecht City wood. Trees that are blown down by the wind or cut down by necessity in Utrecht can find a new life in the shape of these unique clocks.
Private equity fund dedicated to investing in renewable energy, clean technology, forestry and other climate-friendly companies. © wijZE
Find yourself by a 24 hour immersion in nature, no phone, no wifi. Just you and the elements.
Luminext offers smart solutions for managing and controlling conventional, static and dynamic outdoor lighting. © wijZE
Van Messel Meat is an importer of biological meat. The animals are allowed to spend their whole lives roaming the vast pastures of Uruguay.
Braxwell, innovation partners IT. © wijZE
Dutch architect agency